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The White House Just Confirmed Why We Have a VIP Membership

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AP Photo/Adrian Kraus

The House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government is out with a new, 800-page report confirming exactly why we have a VIP membership at Townhall. 


According to hundreds of emails and documents, the Biden White House bullied Big Tech companies into changing their algorithms to bury conservative journalism and speech on the internet. They did this in opposition to true information inconvenient to the Biden administration's political goals and to bolster the tyrannical administrative state. 

"Having obtained and reviewed tens of thousands of emails and other relevant nonpublic documents, the Committee and Select Subcommittee can provide a more complete picture of how and the extent to which the Biden White House coerced companies to suppress free speech," the report reveals. "Big Tech Changed Their Content Moderation Policies Because of Biden White House Pressure. The Biden White House pressure campaign largely succeeded in 2021. In the weeks and months following the start of the White House pressure campaign. Facebook, YouTube, and Amazon all changed their content moderation policies.”

"Changed their content moderation policies" is code for censorship and demonetization of true stories liberals don't like. 

"The White House pressured companies to censor information that did not violate their content moderation policies at the time. The best evidence to assess why content moderation policies were changed is to review relevant email correspondence and other documents at the time of the policy change. Indeed, both Facebook and Amazon referred to the Biden White House's efforts as 'pressure,'" the report continues. "The Biden White House’s Censorship Campaign Targeted True Information, Satire, and Other Content that Did Not Violate the Platforms’ Policies. Contrary to their claims of wanting to combat alleged so-called 'misinformation' and foreign disinformation, the Biden Administration pressured the companies to censor true information, satire, memes, opinions, and Americans’ personal experiences." 


At Townhall, we have hundreds and hundreds of stories that were — and still are — being targeted by these "moderation policy" changes. 

Last year, a federal judge said the situation "arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States' history" and directed all federal agencies engaged in this censorship and unconstitutional policing to stop all contact with private social media platforms immediately. However, the damage of algorithm censorship — which categorizes topics like climate change, COVID-19, illegal immigration, crime, opposition to transgender ideology, and much more as "misinformation" or "dangerous and derogatory" — has already been done. The government manipulated systems to strip our reporting and stories of advertising revenue, making it nearly impossible to continue our work. 

This is why our VIP program is crucial. Your membership supports our work directly, without interference from the federal government and its partnership with Big Tech. It allows us to get around algorithms that bury important stories covering consequential issues that impact all Americans. We rely on you, our loyal readers, to help us pursue the truth. Join Townhall VIP today and join us in our fight against this tyranny. Use promo code CENSORSHIP to get 50% off your VIP membership.


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